inputEx 0.7.0 release and Roadmap

inputEx 0.7.0 was released today !

Most importantly, we upgraded YUI dependency to version 2.8.2r1 to fix security issues, and fixed a major bug for Internet Explorer 9.

We also worked on setting correct names for all sub-fields in order to use classical browser form posting. You can now safely use Group and List fields using standard forms.

Finally, I merged all the various Wiki pages we had into the new inputEx Guide. Obviously far from being complete, this first version will help us replying to questions from the forum, and hopefully help newcomers.

You can take a look at the complete changeset here, and download the 0.7.0 version here.

inputEx Roadmap

Now, where are we going ?

With the upcoming YUI 3.3.0 release, it is now time to seriously work on upgrading inputEx to YUI3.

Of course, this is not a new idea, and we’ve already tried to start the project over, leveraging the YUI 3 widget infrastructure. However, this appeared to be a huge amount of work, while throwing away most of the current code.

Facing our failure, we’ve decided to take a smaller step to get there, so we’ll start by forking the current version to make it work with YUI3, using yui2in3 for widgets dependencies, while keeping code changes to the strict minimum.

Once this version is out, we’ll be able to continue with the following goals in mind :

  • remove unrelated code from the library (yql-related stuff, JsonTreeInspector, …)
  • removing YUI2 dependencies while widgets get integrated into YUI3
  • make inputEx available on the YUI gallery (and leverage Yahoo! CDN )
  • finally use the YUI Widget framework
    You will be able to follow the progress of the inputEx-yui3 branch on

Happy new year !

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Categories : Projects, inputEx, Software, Javascript


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