I’m very pleased to announce the birth of WebHookIt !
Visual scripting for the web, Pipes for hackers, using Node.js, and mongoDB
WebHookIt is kind of an open-source Yahoo! Pipes, but with a wider scope of applications. The idea is to have a very HTTP-centric visual language to write glue-code between web-services using Node.js.
It’s made to be customized/modified/enhanced :
easily add core modules (written in Node.js)
customize UI (forms and modules, using WireIt and inputEx)
customize the execution engine
composability, reuse modules
It’s perfect for :Notifications (email, sms, IM, social networks)
services integration and communication
plugins for web applications (Webhooks)
chaining web-services
providing simple webservices
It’s not a hosted service like Yahoo! Pipes, but you can install it on your local machine, your servers, on Joyent Node.js SmartMachines, and maybe even on your Palm Pre devices (lucky you!)
We are not there yet
This first version of WebHookIt is still alpha software. APIs may change and some basic features are still missing. Those are going to be adressed in the first stable release :
- loop control
- conditional execution
- Community, pipes sharing, leverage the pre-existing package manager npm
All the links
- The online demo : http://webhookit.no.de (hosted @Joyent)
- Source obviously hosted on GitHub
- The documentation uses the awesome GitHub pages
- Forum here
- Report any Issue on GitHub issues
Here is a video of WebHookIt in action against the Prowl API : (sorry for the music… it won’t happen again !)